Technology Honor Code
One to One Plus Electronic Paperwork Instructions
1. Go to
2. Login using:
Other devices (must be signed out of other Google accounts): enter student's email address and password, then press Sign in with Google
School issued Chromebook when logged in as that student: simply press Sign in with Google. Then click the student's email address when it appears. 3. Click on the student's name in upper right corner
4. Find the section labeled “Policies”
5. Fill out the:
Technology Honor Code
3 small blank boxes -- fill with the parent/guardian’s information
Checkbox -- check it for the correct language
Parent/Guardian -- print your name
Signature -- sign your name
6. There are also two other forms and they are optional for most families. Please complete them if the explanation applies to your family.:
Take Home Opt Out (If this form is filled out, the student’s device will be kept at school and they will need to return it on a daily basis.)
Student Mifi Internet Hotspot (only if family has district issued hotspot)
7. Logout by clicking the logout symbol to the far right of your student's name.
8. Repeat as needed for other students in your family. (Multiple students cannot be completed on a school Chromebook unless you logout of the main student and login as each additional student.)
If you have trouble completing the paperwork,
Common Problems are:
The incorrect URL is entered. Please make sure you use the one listed above.
The "Sign in with Google" button is not being used.
Another Google account has been signed in on the same computer. Please sign in out of all other Google accounts. (HCS email addresses are Google accounts even though it does not end with gmail.)
You are using a smartphone. Please try using another device as it was not very smartphone friendly in previous school y